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Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem. [vc_empty_space height="10px"]
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Author: Alberto Corbino

fondazionecariellocorbino / Articles posted by Alberto Corbino

Pubblicato il bando 2024 per 4 tirocini di ricerca su "Impresa, globalizzazione e sostenibilità" per collaborare con l'OCIVC - "Osservatorio Cooperazione Internazionale, Impresa e Valore Condiviso", Istituito dalla Fondazione Cariello Corbino - ETS con il DiSP - Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell'Università Federico II di Napoli. Il bando è riservato agli studenti delle lauree magistrali...

Africa does not exist. Take a look at the newspapers today, listen to the news: it just doesn’t exist. Just as its immense diversity does not exist, what makes each African country unique and so different from another. But we still refuse to recognize Africa, its diversity, its potential, its dreams. As if we were frightened...

Africa does not exist. Take a look at the newspapers today, listen to the news: it just doesn’t exist. Just as its immense diversity does not exist, what makes each African country unique and so different from another. But we still refuse to recognize Africa, its diversity, its potential, its dreams. As if we were frightened...

Africa does not exist. Take a look at the newspapers today, listen to the news: it just doesn't exist. Just as its immense diversity does not exist, what makes each African country unique and so different from another. But we still refuse to recognize Africa, its diversity, its potential, its dreams. As if we were...

As you know, the Cariello Corbino Foundation has been assisting the community of Idjwi island, in the Democratic Republic of Congo lake Kivu, in the last two years. Thanks to the very efficient work of Mr. Kizungu Hubert and its co-workers and volunteers of VMCC, your generous donations have been translated into very successful...

L’umanità ha mandato Perseverance su Marte, un altro enorme passo della ricerca scientifica. Le hanno dato il nome di ciò che ci è voluto per riuscire in un’impresa così difficile: far atterrare sul pianeta rosso un robot con le ruote, armato di macchine fotografiche e bracci meccanici.  Il mondo intero freme in attesa delle foto...

Abbiamo fatto i conti. E ve li diciamo, in totale trasparenza, come d'abitudine. Nel 2020, nonostante la crisi, abbiamo raccolto oltre 46.000 euro e ne abbiamo donati oltre 60.000 (grazie alle eccedenze degli anni passati) a ben 11 progetti (5 in RDCongo, 1 in Uganda, 2 in Malawi, 2 in Pakistan, 1 a Napoli) +...

The Covid19 emergency in the first months of 2020 has caused a severe blow to the world economy, particularly affecting the weaker sections of the population. In this period, the Cariello Corbino Foundation felt the moral obligation to support some projects carried out by known and reliable partners with small but significant sums, to allow...

[caption id="attachment_741" align="alignleft" width="300"] Skip it Community, Pakistan[/caption] We are proud to announce that we just signed an agreement with the UK organization  "SKIP IT Community" to fund-raise for our Congo project "Les Gazelles de Silvana - youth and community center" (we don't like to call it Orphanage), in Rumanagabo, Nord Kivu Region. Skip It Community was...

We might be only drops in the ocean, but there's only one thing we know for sure: the oceans is made of drops! So we don't care if, according to the European Commission, the Fondazione Cariello Corbino, chosed to work in the area with the largest humanitarian crisis of the planet: the Democratic Republic Of Congo. [caption...